

2025-03-18 0

该文章首次发表在钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)2023大中华区法律指南中。环球律师事务所受邀独家撰写中国公司/并购(Corporate/M&A)领域的专业文章。


Overview of the M&A market of China



Chinese market remains facing challenging situations in the year of 2022. The Covid-19 brought the economic growth rate of China to a historic low point. Other factors, such as global economic recession and inflation, Ukraine- Russia conflicts, and China-US confrontations, also depressed the M&A market of China. According to the statistics released by Wind Information Co., Ltd., as of the third quarter of 2022, there are 6,603 M&A deals in China announced with a total amount of RMB 1,469 billion, which has dropped around 20% compared with the first three quarters of 2021.



Outbound M&A



According to the outbound investment report of Ernst and Young (“EY”), for the first three quarters of 2022, the value of announced outbound M&A deals by Chinese companies is US$23.5 billion, which is down 49% compared with the same period of 2021. Two main factors have caused the drop of the outbound investment: the Covid-19 and geopolitical tensions. The travel restrictions cause difficulties in cross-border due diligence and negotiations, and the geopolitical tensions shadow the outcomes of the potential M&A deals.



According to the EY’s report, deals are mainly in the sectors of TMT, advanced manufacturing & mobility, health care and life sciences and mining and metals, while the consumer sector has experienced an 83% drop in terms of deal value. Asia is still the most popular investment destination for Chinese enterprises year to date, while deals involving Chinese buyers in Europe sharply decreased due to the tensions caused by, among other things, Ukraine-Russia confliction and stricter scrutiny by the government of the targets. The oversea M&A continues to slow “with no signs of turning point in sight”.



Overseas M&A deals today initiated by Chinese buyers especially those by the stated-owned enterprises, are facing stricter scrutiny by foreign government. It occurs that certain Chinese buyers have been ordered to sell the target company they have already acquired, even after the closing of the transaction. For example, an offshore subsidiary of a Chinese company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange was required in November, 2022 by the British government to sell at least 86% equity interest of Newport Wafer Fab, based on the national security concerns after a retrospective reviewing. To address with such risks, certain Chinese investors are considering teaming up with PE firms or other workable approaches. 

如今由中国买家发起的海外并购交易,尤其是由国有企业发起的并购交易,面临着外国政府更严格的审查。已经出现外国政府要求某些中国买家出售其收购的目标公司的情况,甚至是在交易已经结束后提出此类要求。例如,2022年11月,英国政府经过回溯式审查后,基于国家安全考虑,要求某上交所上市公司的境外子公司剥离其持有的纽波特晶圆厂(Newport Wafer Fab)至少86%股权。为了应对该等政府审批风险,某些中国投资者正在考虑与私募股权投资机构合作或其他可行方法。


Inbound M&A



Although under the background of the covid-19 pandemic and the potential global economic recession, foreign investors continue to consider China as one favorable investment destination. According to the statistics of Ministry of Commerce of China, it is shown that China's actual use of foreign investment during the first 10 months of 2022 amounted to US$ 168.34 billion, up 17.4% on a year-on-year base.



Public M&A



According to statics of Renaissance M&A Advisory, during the first six months of 2022, there are 61 announced public M&A deals in the A-share market, with 45 companies in main board, 15 companies in ChiNext board (China’s growth enterprise market), and 1 company in BSE (the Beijing Stock Exchange). Take-overs by a listed company against another listed company remain active. According to an incomplete statistic of the disclosure on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, by November 2022, there have been nearly ten such deals announced.



New regulatory developments with impacts on the M&A in China



The New Anti-Monopoly Law (2022 Amendment)



The new Anti-Monopoly Law (2022 Amendment) has been officially implemented on August 1, 2022. In addition, on June 27, 2022, the State Administration for Market Regulation announced the new Provisions of the State Council on Thresholds for Declaration of Concentrations of Undertakings (Revised Draft for Comments), which has not yet entered into force and may be further revised in the subsequent drafts. These two new legislations will have important impacts on the M&A in China, including but not limited to:



(1) Article 26 of the new Anti-Monopoly Law (2022 Amendment) adds the following clause: "Where a concentration of undertakings does not meet the threshold for declaration set by the State Council, but there is evidence that the concentration of undertakings has or may have the effect of excluding or limiting competition, the State Council’s anti-monopoly law enforcement authority can require the business operators to declare. Where the business operator fails to make a declaration in accordance with the two preceding paragraphs, the State Council’s anti-monopoly law enforcement authority shall conduct investigation pursuant to the law.” In some M&A deals with special types of target companies, although the target company's turnover is lower than the threshold for declaration, its market share in the relevant market is very high. In such scenario, the M&A transaction parties need to evaluate whether the concentration of undertaking has the effect of excluding or limiting competition, and decide whether a declaration is required.



(2) Article 58 of the new Anti-Monopoly Law has greatly raised the punishment for failure of declaration. Compared with the monetary fine of up to 500,000 RMB in the old Anti-Monopoly Law, the new Anti-Monopoly Law imposes a monetary fine of not more than 10% of last year’s sales revenue if the concentration of undertakings has an effect of excluding or limiting competition; or a monetary fine of not more than 5,000,000 RMB if the concentration of undertakings does not have an effect of excluding or limiting competition. We believe that more M&A transaction parties will consider the potential risk of failure of declaration and strengthen compliance in this regard.



(3) Thresholds of declaration for concentration of undertakings are hopefully to be raised, which may further reduce the number of M&A deals required to be declared. According to Article 3 of the new Provisions of the State Council on Thresholds for Declaration of Concentrations of Undertakings (Revised Draft for Comments), one of the thresholds that trigger the obligation to declare is raised from the original "consolidated turnover exceeds RMB 10 billion worldwide + turnover of at least two business operators exceeds RMB 400 million in China " to the new one "consolidated turnover exceeds RMB 12 billion worldwide + the turnover of at least two business operators exceeds RMB 800 million in China", and the other threshold is also raised from the original "consolidated turnover exceeds RMB 2 billion in China + turnover of at least two business operators exceeds RMB 400 million in China " to the new one "consolidated turnover exceeds RMB 4 billion in China + turnover of at least two business operators exceeds RMB 800 million in China."



The US CHIPS and Science Act 2022



The CHIPS and Science Act has been enacted by the US Congress and signed into law on August 9, 2022. According to Section 103(b)(5)(D), “During the applicable term of the agreement of a covered entity required under subparagraph (C)(i), the covered entity shall notify the Secretary of any planned significant transactions of the covered entity involving the material expansion of semiconductor manufacturing capacity in the People’s Republic of China or any other foreign country of concern.” This so-called “guardrails provision” will materially restrict the relevant US companies’ M&A transactions in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry.



Our observations



The New Anti-Monopoly Law (2022 Amendment) has greatly increased the punishment for failure of declaration of concentration of undertakings, and the new Provisions of the State Council on Thresholds for Declaration of Concentrations of Undertakings (Revised Draft for Comments) may greatly raise the thresholds of declaration, these two new legislations will have important impacts on the future M&A transactions in China.  At meantime, the US CHIPS and Science Act 2022 will materially restrict the relevant US companies’ future M&A transactions in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry.



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